10 Best Horror Movies Ever.

Hollywood wouldn't be Hollywood if there weren't horror movies. Horror movies make the world go round and even back in the stone age, people always found a way to entertain themselves with horror.

But in this day and age, the big question plaguing everyone's mind is "what are the best horror movies?"

Well, Paste Magazine, created a list of the top 100 horror movies ever. But I'm not as interested in the top 100 as I am in the top 10. Below is the list, according to Paste of the top 10 best horror movies ever!
  • The Exorcist, 1973, directed by William Friedkin: Sure, it's "a bit of a safe pick, but then you wrestle with whether any other film on this list is more disturbing, more influential or just plain scarier than this movie, and there simply isn’t one."

  • The Shining, 1980, Stanley Kubrick: "A journey into the heart of visually and sonically inspired terror that few films have ever come close to replicating."

  • Alien, 1979, Ridley Scott: This "ode to claustrophobia leaves little room to breathe, cramming its blue collar archetypes through spaces much too small to sustain any sort of sanity, and much too unforgiving to survive."

  • Psycho, 1960, Alfred Hitchcock: "Five decades and change is a long time for a movie’s influence to continue reverberating throughout popular culture, but here we are."

  • The Thing, 1982, John Carpenter: "An artifact of big-budget ’80s horror purity."

  • Let the Right One In, 2008, Tomas Alfredson: When it comes to vampire films, this is "the full package."

  • Jaws, 1975, Steven Spielberg: It includes "one of the great, scream-inducing moments in cinema history."

  • Dawn of the Dead, 1978, George A. Romero: "Often cited as the all-time greatest zombie film," and it is truly difficult for any others to compete.

  • The Innocents, 1961, Jack Clayton: Based on Henry James' Turn of the Screw, this is "one of the greatest of all gothic chillers."

  • An American Werewolf in London, 1981, John Landis: "Still the best werewolf movie of all time."

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